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// BIO //

Society has influenced us to work towards monetary goals and material posessions. We spend so much time wrapped up in this that we often forget what is truly important! Everyday I wake up and relaize life isn't about money, or ho wmuch you can acquire. Life is about experiences and remembering moments, so you have a series of moments you can put together, so when your laying in your death bed, at the end of your life you can look back and say... I ACTUALLY LIVED... Go on an adventure, explore the world. Immerse yourself in new lifestyles and new cultures to see the way other people live. Alter your perspective. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Make friends from all over the world and take some time to give back. This is what my family is about, this is our Documented Bliss, welcome!



// contact //


phone: 714-766-9102

instagram; @christianorpineda


facebook: Chrisitan Orpineda

Documented BLISS Productions


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